Ritsart Gobyn - Acts of Painting

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Ritsart Gobyn - Acts of Painting

256 p., 170 x 230 mm
Edited by Ritsart Gobyn together with Tom Van Imschoot
Designed by Stella Schöning
Published by Grafische Cel
ISBN 9789492574213

This book explores various forms of painting in which the act of painting itself is foregrounded. It offers a range of perspectives on how and why such paintings consciously show, reflect upon and sometimes even stage their own making. Every painting is of course the result of a process, but the paintings and texts on painting discussed here make the artistic process itself the centre of attention. Or, at least, they make it tangible.

With contributions by Melissa Gordon, Matthieu Ronsse, Melanie Deboutte, Isolde Vanhee, Jenny Brosinski, Rachel Esner, Kees Goudzwaard, Moritz Neuhoff, Franziska Reinbothe, Daniel Jensen, Benedikt Leonhardt, Matthias Weischer, Manor Grunewald, Max Frintrop, Tom Van Imschoot and Ritsart Gobyn.

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