Sculpture by Bernd Lohaus highlighted on 9th Biennial of Painting

Sculpture by Bernd Lohaus highlighted on 9th Biennial of Painting

Bernd Lohaus
Wellen zur Hand gegebenes Echo, 1991
Noorse leisteen
200 x 3250 x 830 mm
Collection Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens
Gifted by Mrs. Lieve Andries-Vanlouwe
Picture of sculpture park MDD by Rik Vannevel

Bernd Lohaus
Wellen zur Hand gegebenes Echo, 1991
Noorse leisteen
200 x 3250 x 830 mm
Collection Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens
Gifted by Mrs. Lieve Andries-Vanlouwe
Picture of sculpture park MDD by Rik Vannevel

Sculpture 'Wellen zur Hand gegebenes Echo' (1991) by Bernd Lohaus is highlighted during the 9th Biennal of Painting in Museum Dhondt-Dhaenen. The work is part of the collection of the museum and gifted to the museum by Mevr. Lieve Andries-Vanlouwe.

More information on the 9th Biennal of Painting

More information on the collected work