Johanna von Monkiewitsch in Leopold-Hoesch-Museum

Johanna von Monkiewitsch in Leopold-Hoesch-Museum

Johanna von Monkiewitsch, 9 to 5, Einzelausstellung, Berthold Pott, Köln (Nov./Dez. 2022).
(Reference picture, not an installation view of the exhibition 'Was der Fall ist'.)

'Was der Fall ist' is Johanna von Monkiewitsch her major solo exhibition in Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren, in Germany. The museum, in collaboration with Berthold Pott (Cologne, DE), showcases installations and series of works by the artist as a comprehensive overview of her practice.

" Large-format framed works on paper, created continuously over the last few years, will be on display for the first time in a representative overview. They will be combined with installative interventions in the space based on video projections of recorded daylight. To this end, the artist uses existing architectural features on site and employs complementary sculptural forms made of materials such as foam, marble or salt. Like the projections, the works on paper are also based on the effects of natural sunlight. They are color-exposed photographic images of curved or folded sheets of paper, the prints of which are mounted in a way that repeats the fold or picks up on the curvature. The titles of each work provide information about the specific moment of recording and thus refer to the aspect of temporality, which is constitutive for all of Johanna von Monkiewitsch's works. The artist ties in with central questions of imagery and thematizes its significance for the understanding of the world insofar as she makes clear how fundamental the immaterial phenomenon of light is for the knowledge of matter and how relational its appearance is. "