Installation of Leon Vranken at We Can Dance festival

Installation of Leon Vranken at We Can Dance festival

Leon Vranken
Study of a vertical line, 2013
Concrete, scaffolding, fountain pump, concrete reservoir
1150 x 600 x 600 cm
Installation view of 'Study of a vertical line' in exhibition "My little Paradise", 2013, Middelheim Museum, Antwerp, BE

Leon Vranken
Study of a vertical line, 2013
Concrete, scaffolding, fountain pump, concrete reservoir
1150 x 600 x 600 cm
Installation view of 'Study of a vertical line' in exhibition "My little Paradise", 2013, Middelheim Museum, Antwerp, BE

Installation view of 'Study of a vertical line' in exhibition "My little Paradise", 2013, Middelheim Museum, Antwerp, BE

Fountain installation 'Study of a vertical line' (2013) by Leon Vranken will be showcased during We Can Dance festival in Bruges, BE. This installation was showcased before in Middelheim Museum, Antwerp, BE.