Charlotte Posenenske: ​Vierkantrohre Serie D

Charlotte Posenenske: ​Vierkantrohre Serie D
CCA Berlin

Charlotte Posenenske
Vierkantrohre Serie D, CCA Berlin

The Vierkantrohre Serie D (1967) by Charlotte Posenenske (1930-1985) consists of six differently geometric bodies made of sheet metal and are reminiscent of industrial ventilation shafts. This kit can be assembled in a variety of combinations, limited only by the number of elements available. Contrary to classical sculptures, therefore, there is no restriction; the work can be continued and changed to respond to a wide variety of spaces, standing, lying, hanging, indoors or outdoors. It is left to the curators of the exhibition or invited guests to build the installation according to their own criteria and to change it over time. Traces of previous use, be they in the form of small scratches or fingerprints, are part of the work itself. The elements were factory-made as authorized reconstructions from 1967 until the death of Posenenske’s widower Dr. Burkhard Brunn in April 2021. In this way, the artist attempted to challenge the artwork's claim to originality and undermine the market price it generated.