Filip Vervaet


°1977, Mechelen, Belgium
Lives and works in Antwerp

The relationship between humans, artificiality, and nature assumes a significant role in Filip Vervaet's drawings, sculptures, and installations. As you step into Vervaet's world, you enter a twilight realm brimming with intrigue and serenity. His work weaves together different layers, evoking the echoes of art history and sculptural traditions. It reveals his mastery of bending nature to his will. In his idiosyncratic visual language, he seamlessly combines diverse materials. Vervaet consistently pushes the boundaries of sculpture, employing an assemblage of materials and techniques. Vervaet’s mind moves freely between ideas, chaos, and artistic order. It emanates a diffuse quality, embodying both contemporary expression and a rich sculptural heritage. His works convey a sense of duality between found materials and crafted elements, natural and artificial realms, permeating every creation. It supersedes reality, transcending the boundaries of the tangible.

Filip Vervaet is represented by Gallery Sofie Van de Velde.

°1977, Mechelen, Belgium
Lives and works in Antwerp

The relationship between humans, artificiality, and nature assumes a significant role in Filip Vervaet's drawings, sculptures, and installations. As you step into Vervaet's world, you enter a twilight realm brimming with intrigue and serenity. His work weaves together different layers, evoking the echoes of art history and sculptural traditions. It reveals his mastery of bending nature to his will. In his idiosyncratic visual language, he seamlessly combines diverse materials. Vervaet consistently pushes the boundaries of sculpture, employing an assemblage of materials and techniques. Vervaet’s mind moves freely between ideas, chaos, and artistic order. It emanates a diffuse quality, embodying both contemporary expression and a rich sculptural heritage. His works convey a sense of duality between found materials and crafted elements, natural and artificial realms, permeating every creation. It supersedes reality, transcending the boundaries of the tangible.

Filip Vervaet is represented by Gallery Sofie Van de Velde.

Solo / Duo Exhibitions


'Passages', PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerp; BE


'Inner Garden', Ron Mandos Gallery, Amsterdam, NL


'Cascade', de Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL
'Arcade', in collaboration with Theo De Meyer and Manor Grunewald, Landegem, BE


'Sedimental Journey', PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerp, BE
'SB41 Franz Anaïs and Filip Vervaet', Salon Blanc, Oostende, B, curated by Els Wuyts


‘Up on the hill - Down by the river’, De Warande, Turnhout, BE


'Where do we come from? Where are we going?', Cinnnamon, Rotterdam, NL


'Horror Vacui', Filip Vervaet and Renato Nicolodi, 38CC, Delft, Nl


'Hollow Earth Sculpture Show', Annie Gentils Gallery, Antwerp, BE
'Ignorance is strength', A collaboration with Sharon Van Overmeiren, curated by Damien &
'The Love Guru', Hunting at Collecting, Brussels, BE


'Golden Power', Centrum voor ruimtelijke kunst, Lokeren, BE


'Optical spectacular', ism cel Crabeels en Martijn Vogelaers, Lokaal 01, Antwerpen, BE


'Nature Fun Park', Kulak campus Kortrijk, BE


'Viewpoint', AON Award for Visual Art, HISK, Gent, BE


'Black Forest', Annie Gentils Gallery,Antwerpen,BE


'Exterminator Show', Fst Forward Gallery, Antwerpen, BE

Group exhibitions


‘Whispers in the breeze, seeking shade’, PLUS-ONE Gallery (New South), Antwerp, BE
‘Aesthetic Echoes’, PLUS-ONE Gallery (South), Antwerp, BE


'Visions of the Underworld', Eleusis, Elefsina, GR


'Oude Wijn / Nieuwe Zakken', De Warande, Turnhout, BE
'Altered States', PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerpen, BE


'Lost In Translation', PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerpen, BE
'The Porous City', Triennial Bruges, BE
'Point of no Return', Hof Ter Bist, Ekeren, BE


'The Unruly Apparatus', Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp, BE
'Scripted Truths', The Agprognostic Temple, Brussels, BE
'Chasing Flowers', Warp, SInt-Niklaas, BE
'L’Heure Bleue', PLUS-ONE Gallery; Antwerpen, BE
‘Achter de Wand’, Blikfabriek, Hoboken, BE
‘Medicine Breath’, Cinnnamon Gallery Rotterdam, NL


'Off Balance', PLUS-ONE Gallery, BE
'On my way', Plus One Gallery, Antwerpen, BE
'Delirious', Lustwarande, park de Oude Warande, Tilburg NL
Art Brussels, ‘Monumental sculptures’, with Cinnnamon Gallery, BE


PRESENT | Van Buuren Museum, Brussels, BE
Cinnnamon @ Antwerp Art Weekend Invited by Boarding Galleries, Antwerp, BE
'All places are temporary palaces', PENTHOUSE ART RESIDENCY, Brussels, BE
'Het gouden paviljoen', Warande, Tunrhout, BE
'Void', Grauzone festival Den Haag, NL
Art Rotterdam, Filip Vervaet and Theis Wendt, Cinnnamon Gallery, Rotterdam, NL
20 jaar NICC, A4 works, NICC, Antwerpen, BE
Collaborations, 10 Years Base-Alpha Gallery, Base-Alpha Gallery, Antwerpen, BE
'Listening to the form', Panthera.Today, Brussels, BE


'Celibataire Divas', Refugehuis Hasselt, BE
'Bastion 10 Kunstenproject', Menen, BE


'Paradise Lost', Base-Alpha Gallery, Antwerpen, BE
“Ten Dans”, curator Lieven Segers, CC Maasmechelen, BE


“Aandacht Aandacht”, Warande, Turnhout, BE
'A Belgian Politician', Marion De Cannière Art Space, Antwerp, BE
Art Rotterdam, galerie Annie Gentils, Rotterdam, NL


'Paradise Lost', curated by Damien & The Love Guru, Brussels, BE
“Cuesta”, Tielt, BE


'Missing Link', Flip Art pace, Eindhoven, NL


'Salvo', galerie Annie Gentils, Antwerpen, BE


'Sunlight', Veurne, BE
'BAT', Beeldenroute Antitankkanaal, BE


“Ik zie, Ik zie”, Warande, Turnhout, BE
Art Brussels, galerie Annie Gentils, Brussel, BE
Art in the City, Brussel, BE
Eden, galerie van Der Mieden, Antwerpen, BE
Cruel Intentions, Kortrijk, BE
The Last Session, De Brakke Grond Amesterdam NL


'The Hands of art', S.M.A.K., Gent, BE
'Arco', galerie Annie Gentils, Madrid, S
'Over the Hedge', Verbeke Foundation, kemzeke, BE
'Antwerp Sculpture Show', Antwerpen, BE


'Het gebouw', STUK, Leuven, BE
'Art Cologne', galerie Annie Gentils, Keulen, D
'Full House', CC Belgica, Dendermonde, BE
'Open Studios', Hisk, Ghent, BE
'Art Forum', galerie Annie Gentils, Berlijn, D
'Over the Hedge', TAFA Gallery, Tianjin, China
'Just a four-letter show', Museum Dhondt-Daens, BE


'Open Studios', Higher Institute for Fine Arts, Antwerpen,BE
'Connexions', Martha Museum, Herford, D
'No name lotsa name Show', Factor 44, Antwerpen, BE


'Fiesta', galerie Annie Gentils, Antwerpen, BE
'Antwerpen te gast in Rotterdam', Mirta Demare Ruimte voor Actuele Kunst, Rotterdam, NL,


'Hotel Ideal', Berchem, B
'Sugar & Spice (Part 2)', Galerie Annie Gentils, Antwerpen, BE
'Quarantaine', in collaboration with Dennis Tyfus,
'Van Nelle', Ontwerpfabriek, Rotterdam, NL

Extra Muros


Triënnale Beaufort, permanent installation ‘Staging Sea


Filip Vervaet
Vision, 2024
Plaster, laminated glass and aluminum
76,6 x 63,6 x 15 cm

Filip Vervaet
Evening, River Court Park, 2024
Plaster, laminated glass and aluminum
76,6 x 63,6 x 15 cm

Filip Vervaet
World Supernaturally, 2024
Plaster, laminated glass and aluminum
76,6 x 63,6 x 15 cm

Filip Vervaet
Wild, 2024
Plaster, laminated glass and aluminum
76,6 x 63,6 x 15 cm

Filip Vervaet
Early Morning, Blue Yellow Red, 2024
Plaster, laminated glass and aluminum
76,6 x 63,6 x 15 cm

Filip Vervaet
Passage VI, 2023
217 x 114 cm
85 3/8 x 44 7/8 in
Edition of 3

Filip Vervaet
Passage II, 2023
5 x 205 cm
2 x 80 3/4 in
Edition of 3

Filip Vervaet
Composition I (Just For One Night), 2020
122 x 85 cm

Filip Vervaet
Composition II (Forest Nativity), 2020
122 x 85 cm

Filip Vervaet
Column, 2020
bronze (Green)
245 x 9 x 8 cm

Edition of 3